Teal tohu2 2

Taku Manu Tāwhiowhio

In the month of December 2010 an idea came up to compose a supportive song or chant for Sir Paul Reeves. The idea of this particular chant arose because of his enduring strength, dedication and commitment to Māori, Pākehā and to his faith in God. Sir Paul Reeves was known throughout Māoridom and indeed many parts of the world. He was not just a great man; but a man capable of doing amazing things amongst the people. He also stood as chancellor for the Auckland University of Technology, AUT University for many years.

Therefore, this is a chant of support layered with metaphorical images that describe this man and also gives descriptions of the surrounding Auckland area. This particular song has a thematic approach in terms of using birds as the medium for which to carry the word. Incidentally this song talks of the gathering of birds in one area of which they discuss the topical issues of the time.

This chant can also be seen as a map of special landmarks of mountains, rivers, streams, bays, coves and the ocean of not only the Auckland area, but of the general Māori environment. Within this chant important ancestors and events are referred to which connects the Auckland isthmus area. This chant was also co-written with a colleague, Valance Smith, who provided the appropriate beat to this chant and also provided various lines within the chant. Acknowledgment also needs to be given to Ngarimu Blair of Ngāti Whātua, who provided explanations according to Ngāti Whātua records, the historical events that occurred within the Auckland city area. The last acknowledgement here must be given to Sir Paul Reeves who sadly was claimed by the Māori ancestress, Hine-nui-i-te-pō, on the August 14, 2011.  It was at his funeral that Auckland and indeed New Zealand was blanketed with snow reminiscent to that of the crest of his mountain Taranaki, the falling of snow was seen as a sign of affection, as a sign of his faith in God and his chiefly status among the people. 

Maori lyrics

Kōrihi atu taku manu tāwhiowhio
Ki te tini, ki te mano o Hākuturi
Aku manu honenga
Aku manu whitirua

Ki te kai
Ki te inu i ngā wai o Horotiu

Ki ngā here Pūrengi

Rangitāmiro ai te kōwhao o te ngira

Ka takakawehia te ara poutama

Pupū ake ake ngā wai o Waitematā

E tū atu ai Te Ipu a Mataaoho

Tū mai Rangipuke

Ka karanga ā-Hape

Whakawhiti atu ki te Rerenga Oraiti

Te Whatu tauranga kāwau tikitiki

Pou herenga waka

Ko te reo pōwhiri!
Ko te reo karanga!

Ko te mātāpuna o te kete Aronui!


Ētahi atu nō tēnei momo

Tirohia te katoa