Green tohu2 2

Te Ōhākī o Wiremu Tāmehana


Kingi Kiriona - 2011

In February 2011, we were fortunate to  be escorted by Waikato’s ‘Kingmaker’ Ānaru Tāmehana into what is believed to be Māoridom’s first parliament building, Te Kauwhanganui.  This building stands a few metres away from our home marae of Rukumoana, and access is granted to but a few.   

Upon entering its doors, one of the most noticeable features was the line of photographs of the Kingmaker’s predecessors, which graced the wall of Te Kauwhanganui’s main house.  That was where the idea was born to compose a song that commemorates this illustrious line of leaders.  Moreover, we recognised that in spite of the plethora of waiata written about the line of Māori monarchs, it seemed that there were very few, if any, about the line of Kingmakers from Rukumoana whose responsibility it is to crown the next monarch.

The information in this waiata was provided by kaumātua, Rubel Rāpana.  It traces the line of Kingmakers, all the way back to Wiremu Tāmehana, who crowned the first Māori king Pōtatau Te Wherowhero.

Maori lyrics

Ringa pākia!
Te ōhākī o Wiremu Tāmehana
I tutuki i a Tupu Taingākawa
Ko Kīngi Mahuta kei tōna māhunga
Tana tī kōuka kei Rukumoana

Ehara! He tī e wana ake;
Ka wana mai ko Tarapīpipi
I kāwhakina e Kīngi Korokī
Ki runga Taupiri moenga ariki
Wāhia te tūngaroa o te whare

Ka puta tokotoru ture tapu e
Ko Taawhe he tangata whakapono
Te Waharoa he tangata whakairo
Ko Tahiwaru he tangata hūmārie
Ngā pou o roto he māhoe, he patatē

Ringa pākia!

Ko Ranginui te piki tūranga
Ka riro ki a Waikato te torona
Engari anō te whakawahi Kīngi e
Kei runga i ahau pakaru noa e

Ka pakaru mai a Koro Wiripoai

Nō reira rā Papa Ānaru
Kei ō ringa te mana me te tapu
Kia kaha rā Ngāti Hauā
Ngā kaitiaki o te tumuakitanga

Te ōhākī o Wiremu Tāmehana
Kei Rukumoana, kei taku manawa

He titonga anō nā

Tirohia te katoa

Ētahi atu nō tēnei momo

Tirohia te katoa