Whakataurangi Ake
The waiata ‘Whakataurangi ake’ was composed out of acknowledgement and yearning for taonga within the exhibition, Te Maaori, which toured America in 1984. The exhibition held traditional taonga with great mauri and mana, such as Uenuku of Tainui, which gave a physical and spiritual connection to ancestors of many iwi.
Pumi took part in the delegation to America on behalf of the Tainui people to ensure the spiritual safety of the taonga within the exhibition.
Maori lyrics
Whakataurangi ake te here ki taku ate
Pupu ake nei te mauri o te aroha
He hononga ki te iwi kua whakangaro ki te po
Te pouriuri, ki te po i oti atu
Kei nga whakaoati i herea ki te rangi
Hei huarahi atu
Tihei mauri ora